About 250 professors and about 900 employees in teaching, research and administration are employed at the university.
The FH Aachen offers its students a course of study that prepares them excellently for their work in modern and future-oriented professions. In addition to the classical MINT subjects such as mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, the university also offers courses in economics and design. The more than 80 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs offer not only full-time studies but also an increasing selection of market-oriented dual degree programs.
The focus of the university is on modern teaching that is oriented towards the latest didactic findings and makes use of current methods such as e-learning. Students are offered close personal support, which enables an intensive exchange of experience and knowledge with the teachers. The inclusion of current results from research and development optimally prepares students for their professional activities after graduation.
The University of Applied Sciences in Aachen strives to be one of the strongest research universities in Germany. Its competencies lie primarily in the future fields of energy, mobility and the life sciences. Current research results flow directly into teaching. Through close cooperation with regional companies, the university and industry jointly develop products and methods that create added value directly on site. The FH Aachen trains young women and men who assume responsibility in the companies of the region and who contribute to the development of the regional economy with their research-related technical and methodological knowledge.
The expansion of regional, national and international networking in teaching and research is an essential component of the future plans of the FH Aachen, especially with regard to the euregional location of the locations Aachen and Jülich in direct proximity to Belgium and the Netherlands. Another decisive step is the offer of international courses of study. The language of instruction here is English, which is intended to attract more international students. Particularly attractive in this context are the cooperations with numerous and important foreign partner universities of the FH Aachen.
The Freshman Institute of the FH Aachen prepares students from all over the world for further studies in Germany. Intensive teaching of language and content skills allows students a seamless transition to a Bachelor’s program in North Rhine-Westphalia.